quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2016

ACE of SPACE more levels Design


ACE of SPACE has the V8ORS-Flying Rat base code on it and was thought on a Endless gameplay. As I implement more enemies to the game, the first Alpha test was launched and the feedbacks start to eat me. The one I consider the most important was the game lag, this was worst in the old phones.

This was caused for the increment of more Enemies to the game. The solution was to make it by levels, increasing the workload more than I was expecting, with that, more time to develop the game,
but it had to be done and quickly.

I've created some Backgrounds to start implementing all the code and UI necessary to make it work.
Here's the Backgrounds made for the levels 01 to 04, the one's made so far.

The UI for the game changed a bit, see the previously post here.

Hope you're enjoying the game and the Blog, follow me on the Social Networks for more.

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